1.Person A walks up to a door
2.Handle is opened / pulled
3.Shot of person A walking through the door
4.Shot of person B sat down
5.Shot of person A sitting down next to them.
6.Shot of person A asking person B if they are ok?
7.Reverse shot (CU) of person B replying?
8.Two shot of person A and B – person B asks person A a question
10.Shot of person B’s response.
11.This may be reapeated and varied as conversation develops – think carefully about this part. The scripting is important here!
12.Shot of person A getting
13.Shot of person A walking away.
14.(Possible) shot of Person B.
15.Person A exits through same door as entrance. (Do NOT break the 180 degree rule!)
We filmed in one of the music practise rooms, we had a problem with space in that room. also we had issues with our camera and couldn't get it to focus. we were allowed to shoots some shots again on a different day and turn a blind eye to the bad continuity of clothes etc.
...As it was our first experience of filming...